Project information

Contabilidad Project

Programming language: VB 6.0 Comments: Accounting of earings and exes.

Project information

MacRol Project

Programming language: VB 6.0 Comments: A macro (hotkeys and send text) related to Rol games (especially Argentum Online).

Project information

Tipeo Project

Programming language: VB 6.0 Comments: Typing game (like data entry stuff).

Project information

Addiction Project

Programming language: VB 6.0 Comments: RPG game. (Unfinished)

Project information

Picture Viewer Project

Programming language: VB 6.0 Comments: Picture, video, plain text, etc encryptor and viewer.

Project information

GetUrls Project

Programming language: VB 6.0 Comments: Bot to get some urls from webpage.

Project information

  • Category: Project
  • Project date: 2019

Búsqueda y Compresión Algorithm

Comments: This is a algorithm about search and compression.

Project information

SimpleRadar Project

Programming language: VB 6.0 Comments: Radar prototype for teaching purposes.

Project information

  • Category: Project
  • Project date: 2020

Programming language: C++. ASM, DISASM

Old version: See Here

New version: See Video



There are only 9 projects. You can see all my projects in my original portfolio HERE